Fireside Chats
Conversations on meaningful topics from a Bahá’í perspective
Firesides are informal spaces to discuss the teachings of the Bahá’í Faith and how they are relevant to our lives, society and world. There is no set location or duration, just a cup of coffee and an interest to talk about topics that matter.
Northwest Calgary
If you are interested in attending a fireside chat in northwest Calgary,
please contact Sandra Brask: [email protected]
Southwest Calgary
If you are interested in attending a fireside chat in southwest Calgary,
please contact Frank Ziaei: [email protected]
Northeast Calgary
If you are interested in attending a fireside chat in northeast Calgary,
please contact Darren Hedley: [email protected]

I was invited to a Study Circle called Ruhi Book One. I didn’t really know what it was — but I loved the community building, and learning about what the soul is. It was refreshingly different.
My brother invited me to his friend’s Study Circle. I loved the way the Baháʼís really engage me. They want to know what I think and it’s all very collaborative learning.